Uniform Information

Branded uniform can be bought from the Uniform and Lesiure shop in Kirkham.  Full information about our uniform expectations can be found in our Uniform Policy. 

Our School Uniform for all children consists of:

  • Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • White polo shirt (tucked in and only one button unfastened)
  • Royal Blue jumper/cardigan (Available from Uniform and Leisurewear Shop and Bang Bang Kirkham)
  • Black/ grey/ white socks or tights
  • Black school shoes
  • Summer: checked blue and white dress

PE (all year round on PE days only)

  • Plain white PE t-shirt
  • Blue or black shorts or joggers (plain)
  • Blue PE Jumper (Available to purchase at Uniform and Leisurewear Shop and Bang Bang Kirkham)
  • Trainers suitable for sports (no fashion trainers)
  • White/Black/Blue socks (no tights)

Children are not permitted to wear other colours of clothing or non-logo jumpers for PE.

Our PE uniform allows for warmer and colder weather. No other layers or clothing will be needed unless specified by the class teacher relating to a specific event or activity.

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